Thursday 16 March 2023

Help your customers find you, wherever they look

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Smart self-service solutions strengthen your brand-to-consumer connection in unprecedented ways.

You know your customers have questions, but do you know where they go for answers? More often than not, their journey takes them away from you and your expertise. Our study shows that 46% of consumers initially go to an outside search engine, like Google, for support. That's why it's crucial for your business to meet customers right when their journey begins with the most reliable, updated information.

The majority of businesses are unaware of the disjoined experiences their customers are having. Be first on the scene to shepherd your customers with intelligent, proactive communication that strengthens your brand-to-consumer connection.

See how you can:
  • Prioritize connection with your customers across 30 channels–and counting–to be present whenever and wherever they need information
  • Anticipate your customers' questions, whether or not they reach out for help, with our groundbreaking AI-backed technology
  • Provide optimal self-service with every interaction by utilizing data about your customers' needs, wants, and actions

It's time to champion your customers' success with smart self-service solutions powered by AI. Let us show you how.

 Get the report

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