Tuesday 22 June 2021

E-Commerce Minute for ebuka

E-Commerce Minute
June 22, 2021
Sellers: Beware of Amazon's Marketing Manners
What's the real cost of getting everything delivered to your door? Small businesses and third-party sellers are getting killed, said Jason Boyce, CEO and founder of Avenue7Media." As consumers in a free country, we have to ask ourselves whether one company with the power of Amazon is good for American consumers and small businesses."
Social Media Ads, Chat Apps Pegged to Power Summer Sales
Consumers will spend more money shopping online this summer in response to ads they see on social media if deals are offered by vendors. Shoppers also are more receptive to chat commerce, a potential new trend. New research by Smartly.io, a social advertising automation platform for creative and performance marketers, underscores the role social media plays in influencing shoppers in a world changed by the pandemic. 
Consumers, Marketers, All Ears on Podcast Advertising
Podcasts provide advertisers with microtargeted pitches that engage listeners more effectively than other outlets, according to Maury Rogow, CEO and creative director of Hollywood's Rip Media Group. The most effective podcast advertising is delivered by the host. While this makes many marketers uneasy, the risk can pay off because the targets will listen and remember the message.
Guide to Digital Shelf Analytics · inRiver eBook

What can you do to improve your digital commerce game? The first rule of the digital shelf is to make sure your products can be found. Get the eBook Today!

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New AI Tools Help Level the Playing Field for Retailers
Artificial intelligence may well be the Holy Grail solution for more effective shopping optimization for merchants. The list is almost endless when you tally the potential uses. It can be anywhere, from classification issues like recommendations to search and merchandising personalization. It also aids retailers in things like optimization and visual modeling.
Coupon and Discount Advice to Encourage Online Sales
Everyone loves a deal, and e-commerce shoppers are no different. Coupons, discounts, and other offers can draw in new customers and build loyalty with existing ones. In fact, according to recent survey by Vericast, 83 percent of consumers bought at least one item in the last six months -- and 62 percent shopped with a brand for the first time -- because of a coupon or discount.
What Post-Pandemic Recovery Means to Sales Pros
As we head into the summer of 2021 anticipating that most places in the U.S. will be fully open for business, many industries are looking at what the post-Covid recovery will mean for them. For sales professionals, the comeback might certainly bring a windfall but also presents challenges.
E-Commerce Tending to Health and Wellness Needs

The E-Commerce Times talked with health and wellness experts from a variety of sectors for perspective on how e-commerce has been brought into service in a newly health-conscious world.

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Illegal Drug Trade Fuels $1.37B in Crypto Transactions

A Russian-language dark web marketplace called Hydra that is known to facilitate the illegal sale of narcotics has seen cryptocurrency transactions soar over the last five years.

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