Thursday 15 April 2021

Editor's Pick Newsletter for ebuka

Editor's Pick
April 15, 2021
How Fixable Is the Unsafe Internet?
A recent study from Consumer Reports' Digital Lab reveals that 96 percent of Americans agree that more should be done to protect consumer privacy. But don't expect to see a whole new alternative Internet emerging any year soon. Instead, you will see a focus on software offerings built around privacy and security rather than hardware.
Investors have $20 billion to acquire businesses. Is yours one of them?
Our Technology M&A: 2021 Outlook gives owners, founders and entrepreneurs insight into why e-commerce is dominating technology acquisitions, what this means for multiples, when investors are looking to allocate capital and more.
Social Platforms Now Central in the Commerce Spectrum
Consumers and marketers alike see social media outlets as a middle ground between selling and buying. Now that shoppers have grown used to seeing product placements and promotions on social media, it is a natural next step for them to want to make a purchase without going to another platform or branded website.
How to Ride the 'Consumer Wave' to Better Customer Experiences
Even the most customer-centric businesses can overestimate their performance or miss the broad trends in customer behavior. That is why NICE inContact conducts annual surveys that track the customer experience from the perspective of businesses and consumers. CRM Buyer discussed the recent findings and related issues in more detail with the company's CEO Paul Jarman.
Tax Benefits That Can Help Small Tech and Entrepreneurs Now
This year's revised federal tax code plus new Covid-19 initiatives provide additional incentives for startup companies, as well as small and medium-sized businesses. If you received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan, you may qualify to have that indebtedness forgiven; and other tax incentives this year provide new deductions to lower your tax bill.
Google’s Vested Interest in Linux Security
Google is now paying developers more money to work on securing their Linux kernels this year. The gesture may well be the start of the company’s bid to enforce a tighter grip on open source.
The Growing Gig Economy
With an increasing amount of workers turning to part-time, freelance, and contract work for a variety of reasons, a growing number of businesses are now based on the gig economy model. The E-Commerce Times spoke with several experts familiar with the ins and outs of the gig economy to find out what's evolving and changing in this burgeoning field.
Fraud Awareness Kit Informs Businesses: It's Tax Scam Season

Businesses fearful their workers may be targeted by fraudsters will want to take a look at the free Tax Scam Awareness Kit offered by Proofpoint. The kit, for both Windows and macOS, includes materials for an employee education campaign about tax ...

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Advance Strategies to Eliminate E-Commerce Chargebacks

Half of consumers who originally planned to return to their pre-pandemic in-store shopping routines once coronavirus is under control now plan to stick with online shopping. That shift in preferences means that e-commerce merchants must keep up...

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AI, ML Not Yet Plug-and-Play for Marketers

Personalization and automation, two of the hottest buzzwords in the lexicon of CRM practitioners, are all the rage for marketers these days. But only 14 percent of organizations are using artificial intelligence or machine language to automate...

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Rise of Open Source: Pandemic, Economy, Efficiency, Trust

Those familiar with open source know that it works and comes with many benefits. A testament to the rising adoption of open source is the recent moves by software giants such as Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle into the open-source community.

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Global Commerce, Simplified

At Digital River we believe in using our global expertise to fuel and optimize commerce, open doors to new markets and facilitate payments around the world. Build an ecommerce solution customized for your business.

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Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity

Pursue lucrative and in-demand roles with Utica College's 100% online cybersecurity degree. You’ll choose from four specializations to tailor your degree to your career goals.

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Contact Center AI Explained by Pop Culture | eBook

What if learning Contact Center AI were as engaging as “Blade Runner”? If understanding how it works could be less painless than how it's portrayed in “2001: A Space Odyssey”?

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