Wednesday 1 April 2020

Editor's Pick Newsletter

Editor's Pick
April 1, 2020
Fast Coronavirus Test Gets Emergency FDA Approval
Starting today, Abbott will deliver 50,000 COVID-19 tests per day to healthcare workers, using its modified ID NOW testing process. Bringing rapid coronavirus testing capacity to the medical front lines is crucial in the battle to flatten the rising death and infection curve worldwide.
Risk Assessment: Buttress Account Security and Foil Fraudsters
The average U.S. email address is associated with 130 different accounts. There are many benefits to consumers for having these accounts. Unfortunately, fraudsters are all too aware of those strong account relationships, and they use them to exploit businesses and consumers.
Living in the COVID-19 World: TV Hosts Struggle at Home
While stuck at home, many of us are burning through online content very rapidly. One of the things that's become painfully apparent is that TV shows that typically have live audiences suddenly have become almost unwatchable.
3D Printers Join Arsenal of COVID-19 Weapons
The worldwide 3D printing community is stepping up to alleviate the shortage of medical equipment needed to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Some are offering free 3D printer files for download and use. Others are designing equipment. 
The Tech Industry's Tectonic Shift
A great many tech industry conferences and trade shows originally scheduled to take place in the coming weeks have been canceled. These cancellations are costly -- beyond the lost revenue for the direct organizers and local businesses.
Trying Times for Employee Engagement
With so many people working remotely, many businesses need extra ways to communicate with the rank and file, and this might present a prime opportunity to try new things.
Remotely: Zoho's Noble Endeavor

Zoho has launched Remotely, a virtual productivity platform solution comprising 11 applications for all size businesses -- for free. It's doing that to help ease the transition to remote work for companies in any location around the world.

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How AI Can Improve Customer Retention

Customer attrition and churn are not new problems. Anyone who has spent time in the sales world has heard statistics around the cost of acquiring a new customer. It can be five to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer...

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Webinar: Unlocking the Potential of Password Vault Alternatives
Understanding the differing Privileged Access Management solutions can be a challenge, especially for Linux or UNIX environments. Learn how to create a more comprehensive security approach by examining the different approaches of password vaults and privilege management during this webinar.
Do you need to get products to market faster?
Calculate how much time you could save if you had a PIM (product information management) tool to do the work for you. Start building your business case today - it’s quick and easy. 
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