Friday 21 February 2020

Tech News Flash

If your Android smartphone or tablet is running more slowly than a 1995 desktop computer, chances are you've downloaded an infected app. Pop-up ads that bypass your Google settings, and a hanging or flashing screen are other indicators that your device is under threat. To stop a malware attack and clean your device, follow these steps.

A new extortion scheme targets users of Google's AdSense program. The scam threatens to flood a website with bogus traffic until Google suspends the site's AdSense account, unless the owner pays $5,000 in bitcoin to avoid or stop the attack.

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A session on the role of emerging technologies in the courtroom was part of last month's New York State Bar Association Annual Meeting in New York City. The group discussed the use of artificial intelligence in the courtroom. The session addressed the role that AI could play in judicial decision making.

Researchers at firmware security company Eclypsium have released new research that identifies and confirms unsigned firmware in WiFi adapters, USB hubs, trackpads and cameras used in Windows and Linux computer and server products from Lenovo, Dell, HP and other major manufacturers.

Spurred by everything from environmental concerns to the desire to avoid congested roads, companies are developing, testing, and beginning to implement a wide array of drone delivery systems.

3 Ways Agent Experience is Boosting Customer Experience

Discover how you can empower your agents to provide a 5-star experience to every customer. On demand Webinar featuring Lori Bocklund of Strategic Contact and additional resources.

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Clearview apparently has been telling law enforcement agencies that its technology underwent accuracy testing modeled on the ACLU's 2018 test of Amazon's Rekognition facial recognition tool.

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