Tuesday 15 October 2019

AI 2020: Market Report Release


I wanted to share the latest report from the AiiA Network, AI 2020 Update: The Global State of Intelligent Enterprise. This report is a cross-industry study of the opportunities, trends and challenges that will reshape enterprise over the next two years.

Some of the key themes discussed are:

  • Culture: The biggest challenge and opportunity
  • Predictive Analytics: A clear focus for global corporate enterprise
  • Linking initiatives to ROI: A focus, but still difficult to clarify

Looking for more information on intelligent automation? Reach out to us via email and we can provide you with full program details for Intelligent Automation Week - New Orleans.

Thank you,

Jordan Mullins

Deputy Divisional Director
Shared Services and Outsourcing Network (SSON)
Artificial Intelligence & Intelligent Automation (AIIA.net)

Intelligent Automation Week New Orleans
December 3-6, 2019 | Hyatt Regency New Orleans



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