Monday 5 August 2019

E-Commerce Minute

E-Commerce Minute: Monday -- August 5, 2019

The E-Commerce Times -- E-Business Means Business
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
Leveling Up From Product Seller to Brand Builder
How to Overcome 5 Common E-Commerce Roadblocks
Amazon's $10-a-Person Attempt to Wriggle Off Privacy Hook
4 High-Impact E-Commerce Customer Service Trends
Google, VMware Partnership Extends Hybrid Cloud Reach
Turning Research Into Product
3 Ways Marketing Solves Business Problems
How to Compete With Big Retail by Optimizing Your Product Page

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Today's Story Highlights

Leveling Up From Product Seller to Brand Builder
Video traffic is expected to make up 82 percent of all Internet traffic
by 2022. This spike coincides with the increased production and
distribution of videos throughout every industry. However, the value of
video marketing for brands is as old as video itself. The difference now
is that there are more opportunities to publish them and reach consumers
via social media.

How to Overcome 5 Common E-Commerce Roadblocks
The road to e-commerce business success is hardly a straight and narrow
one. Every step in a business lifecycle -- from launch and growth to
scale and maturity -- is fraught with peaks, valleys, bumps, hazards and
roadblocks. Your plan and reality are usually very different! I'm often
reminded of this quote by Robert Kiyosaki: "Sometimes you succeed....
and other times you learn."

Amazon's $10-a-Person Attempt to Wriggle Off Privacy Hook
Some very large companies now are under scrutiny by the U.S. government
for their data collection and use. As the pressure increases, Amazon
seems to have come up with a creative solution. It has been offering to
pay users $10 for permission to track them. Interesting. While $10 is
practically nothing, this move does suggest companies are beginning to
realize they crossed the line.

4 High-Impact E-Commerce Customer Service Trends
E-commerce has exploded since Amazon and eBay were founded in 1995.
Today, e-commerce is part of everyday life. By 2023, retail e-commerce
sales in the U.S. are projected to surpass $735 billion . Even
industries like food, healthcare and banking, which previously were
dominated by offline transactions, now are embracing e-commerce for
increased efficiency and cost reductions.

Google, VMware Partnership Extends Hybrid Cloud Reach
Google Cloud and VMware have announced Google Cloud VMware Solution by
CloudSimple, a service that lets organizations run VMware workloads in
Google Cloud Platform on premises, in a hybrid architecture, or in the
cloud. "Hybrid clouds are key, with only 17-19 percent of workloads in
the cloud," noted Ray Wang, principal analyst at Constellation Research.

Turning Research Into Product
Oracle just published some commissioned research that gives us insights
into both CRM generally and the times we live in. A study of more than
1,100 people across several generations found the following: Almost half
of consumers have blacklisted a brand as the result of a bad experience;
more than one-third of consumers said they would never shop with a
company again after just one bad experience.

3 Ways Marketing Solves Business Problems
Marketing professionals play a big role in helping businesses succeed by
building brand loyalty. Recent studies have shown that over the last 19
years the average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds to
eight seconds. Sure, four seconds less doesn't sound like much, but for
marketers, this means even less time to capture attention and
communicate with your audience.

How to Compete With Big Retail by Optimizing Your Product Page
Congratulations! You've succeeded in driving online traffic to your
product page. So why aren't customers actually clicking 'Add to Cart'?
Making successful e-commerce conversions, or transforming your website's
visitors into actual paying customers, isn't an easy feat. Expertise on
doing it well and accurately is key to your long-term growth. This is a
critical area where SMBs really struggle.

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