Friday 8 February 2019

ECT News Network Weekly Newsletter

ECT News Network Weekly Newsletter: Friday -- February 8, 2019

ECT News Network -- Where Business Meets Technology
E-Commerce Times | TechNewsWorld
CRM Buyer | LinuxInsider

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This Week's Top News Headlines From the E-Commerce Times

OceanX and the E-Commerce Subscription Wave
(Posted 08-Feb-19)

Will the Sharing Economy Kill Personal Ownership?
(Posted 07-Feb-19)

Zuckerberg's Take on Facebook's History Raises Eyebrows
(Posted 06-Feb-19)

How Do You Build a Software Company?
(Posted 05-Feb-19)

Wading Into the E-Book Publishing Waters
(Posted 04-Feb-19)

This Week's Top News Headlines From TechNewsWorld

Wireless Carriers Caught Playing Fast and Loose With Location Data
(Posted 08-Feb-19)

E-Ticketing Flaw Exposes Airline Passenger Data to Hackers
(Posted 07-Feb-19)

Apple to Raise Barrier Against VR, AR Websites
(Posted 06-Feb-19)

New Android Apps Come to the Aid of Hearing-Impaired
(Posted 05-Feb-19)

FTC v. Qualcomm: What Really Is Going On
(Posted 04-Feb-19)

This Week's Top News Headlines From CRM Buyer

The State of Selling
(Posted 06-Feb-19)

This Week's Top News Headlines From LinuxInsider

Linux Task Apps: Plenty of Goodies in These Oldies
(Posted 07-Feb-19)

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