Friday 11 January 2019

E-Commerce Minute

E-Commerce Minute: Friday -- January 11, 2019

The E-Commerce Times -- E-Business Means Business
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
The Biggest Cybercrime Threats of 2019
Microsoft Word in a Word: Frustration
Top CRM Blogs of 2018: Countdown, Part 1
Microsoft, Kroger Ring Up Retail as a Service
The Teetering Social Empire

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Today's Story Highlights

The Biggest Cybercrime Threats of 2019
A new year means a fresh start, but it doesn't mean that old threats
will go away. In fact, in the world of cybersecurity things could get
far worse before they get better. Cybercrime continues to increase, as
it allows nefarious actors to operate at a safe distance from victims --
and more importantly, law enforcement. Cybercrime often doesn't get the
same attention as other types of crimes.

Microsoft Word in a Word: Frustration
Why have Microsoft and Apple been wasting the time of their users? My
latest irritation concerns the disappearance of the Microsoft Word
"Recent" folder from my MacBook. It was simply gone. Vanished. Poof. To
make matters worse, this same thing has happened twice this month. From
what I've heard, this problem has been occurring for many years. It just
affects different users each time.

Top CRM Blogs of 2018: Countdown, Part 1
After several years of instability on this list, 2018 saw things settle
down a bit. In past years, blogs would make the list for a flurry of
great posts one year, then fizzle the next. Sometimes, bloggers would
change careers and their CRM content would dry up. Once in a while, a
great blogger would get hired by a major vendor and see his or her
output bent to fit the corporate line.

Microsoft, Kroger Ring Up Retail as a Service
Microsoft and Kroger announced a collaboration on Retail as a Service to
equip stores with Kroger Technology products that run on Microsoft
Azure. The technology utilizes the IoT, connectivity, the cloud, and
data collection and analysis to improve both customer experiences and
store bottom lines. Two stores will pilot a smart technology system
connected by IoT sensors, running on Microsoft Azure.

The Teetering Social Empire
Disruptive innovations are only disruptive for as long as it takes
competition to develop and thus create a market. Worse, for the
disruptor, the niche it created can spawn other niches. Social
networking provides a vivid example. First, there were networking sites
that could help you find a job or a sales lead. Then there were social
sites whose purpose was simply, well, networking.

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