Tech News Flash: Wednesday -- November 16, 2016
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Headline Scan
Google Clamps Down on Sneaky Malicious Sites
Post-Election Backlash Spurs Fake News Crackdown
Conspiracy Theories in the Information Age, Part 2
wattOS Energizes Aging Hardware
Hype Video Broadcast App Has Niche Potential
Why Trump May Be the Better Technology President
First Hyperloop Could Blaze a Trail Between Dubai and Abu Dhabi
Today's Story Highlights
Google Clamps Down on Sneaky Malicious Sites
classified as repeat offenders, the company said. A small number of
websites take corrective actions after Google displays alerts on their
landing pages warning visitors that they're harmful. However, they
typically revert to violating the policies after Google verifies that
they're safe and removes the warnings.
Post-Election Backlash Spurs Fake News Crackdown
advertising on fake news posts in response to increasing pressure from
users and a growing controversy within the company. There are mounting
concerns that the presidential election may have been influenced by
unvetted fake news stories trending on the network during the past few
weeks of the cycle.
Conspiracy Theories in the Information Age, Part 2
for those looking to convince an electorate to vote them into office,
and conspiracy theories were their bane. This election season has seen
the rise of a new form of persuasion, one that's unique to the
Information Age. For months, WikiLeaks creator Julian Assange had
promised to rain bombshells.
wattOS Energizes Aging Hardware
packages. wattOS is a lightweight and fast desktop Linux distribution
based on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS built around the LXDE. It uses the
lightweight Openbox window manager as its default user interface. To
credit this 8-year-young community of developers with birthing an
energy-efficient Linux distribution is an understatement.
Hype Video Broadcast App Has Niche Potential
video broadcasting app called "Hype." Available for free from Intermedia
Labs in the iTunes App Store, Hype not only allows users to broadcast
live to the Internet, but also lets followers interact with their
broadcasts in real time. At first blush, it might seem that Hype's
offering closely mirrors Periscope and Facebook Live.
Why Trump May Be the Better Technology President
something to do on Sundays, I wasn't particularly religious) and one of
his sayings was "when given lemons, make lemonade." Personally, I wasn't
excited about either presidential candidate, but I actually think Trump
could be a better technology candidate than Clinton would have been.
First Hyperloop Could Blaze a Trail Between Dubai and Abu Dhabi
transportation promoted by Elon Musk, has signed a deal to develop a
line between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates.
The project reportedly will have several stations throughout Dubai
connecting the hyperloop system to Abu Dhabi. Pods will carry passengers
and cargo between the two.
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