Friday, 5 August 2016

7 stories you shouldn't miss

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Mercedes will reportedly challenge Tesla with four new EVs (confirmed)

Mercedes will reportedly challenge Tesla with four new EVs (confirmed)

Executives from Mercedes-Benz haven't been coy about the company's EV plans -- it wants to go head-to-head with Tesla. [Read more...]
'Jason Bourne' is embarrassingly dumb about tech

'Jason Bourne' is embarrassingly dumb about tech

Jason Bourne, the latest film featuring Matt Damon's amnesiac assassin, isn't just a bad movie -- it's woefully ignorant about almost every aspect of technology. [Read more...]
HP Chromebook 13 review: a great laptop that doesn't come cheap

HP Chromebook 13 review: a great laptop that doesn't come cheap

Just over a year ago, you basically had two options for buying a Chromebook: Spend $999 on Google's excellent but overpriced Pixel or buy an inexpensive laptop that was inevitably compromised in one way or another. [Read more...]
NASA celebrates Curiosity's fourth year on Mars with a game

NASA celebrates Curiosity's fourth year on Mars with a game

The glitch that shut down Curiosity in July was thankfully a temporary issue, else NASA would have mourned its loss rather than celebrating the rover's fourth year on Mars by releasing a game. [Read more...]
NIH might start funding human-animal chimera studies

NIH might start funding human-animal chimera studies

The NIH could start funding experiments that inject human stem cells in animal embryos to create hybrids called "chimeras." It issued a blanked ban on chimera research last year, but it looks like the organization changed its mind after examining the science behind it and talking to lead experts in the field. [Read more...]
Amazon launches 'Prime Air' with a cargo plane, not a drone

Amazon launches 'Prime Air' with a cargo plane, not a drone

The first time we heard about Prime Air it was emblazoned on drones Jeff Bezos showed off for 60 Minutes in 2013. [Read more...]
Beat the world at 'Forza' and drive away with a Ford Focus RS

Beat the world at 'Forza' and drive away with a Ford Focus RS

Your skills at driving supercars around on Forza's meticulously detailed racetracks could net you a real ride. [Read more...]

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