Friday 30 March 2018

Editor's Pick: Atlanta Works to Break Ransomware Hold

Peter Suciu
Mar 30, 2018 5:00 AM PT
Nearly a week after it became the target of one of the largest ransomware attacks to date, the City of Atlanta has made progress toward recovery, but it is still far from business as usual. Hackers encrypted many of the city government's vital data and computer systems. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms characterized the ransomware attack as "a hostage situation." [More...]

More Picks:
Adobe Hones Target's Personalization Tools
Adobe this week introduced three features to its Target application in an effort to improve customer experiences through increased personalization: new Personalization Insights reports; Propensity score model comparisons; and Real-time customization models. These new features give users enhanced transparency and customization of Adobe Sensei-powered AI for personalization in Target. [More...]
Facebook Takes Baby Steps Toward Rebuilding Trust
Facebook has introduced a set of changes designed to empower members to protect their account information. The company has been at the center of an unrelenting firestorm following revelations that it allowed Cambridge Analytica to mine private data belonging to 50 million of its users without permission, which Cambridge Analytica then leveraged for political purposes. [More...]
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The Morning After: SpaceX satellite internet and 'No Man's Sky' on Xbox

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It's Friday, March 30, 2018.

Hey, good morning! You look fabulous.

It’s Friday, and we’re celebrating the FCC’s approval of SpaceX’s satellite internet plan. Also, we’ve got all the new Apple updates and a new Westworld trailer from HBO.

4,425 Starlink satellites providing 1 Gbps internet around the globe.

FCC approves SpaceX plan for satellite-provided internet

FCC approves SpaceX plan for satellite-provided internet

In a statement, SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell said: "Although we still have much to do with this complex undertaking, this is an important step toward SpaceX building a next-generation satellite network that can link the globe with reliable and affordable broadband service, especially reaching those who are not yet connected."

Seriously, everything.

Apple updates everything

Apple updates everything

Yesterday, Apple pushed updates for many of the devices it makes. iOS 11.3 brings a tweak that enables users to turn off its CPU-throttling low-power mode for phones with troubled batteries. iTunes and Apple Music added support for music videos, and on macOS we’re finally ready to plug in external GPUs for VR and hardcore gaming.

Including a brief look at Shogunworld.

'Westworld' season two trailer

'Westworld' season two trailer

If you're in the middle of rewatching season one and looking for clues, the trailer might give you a few more. Or, it could raise additional questions.


Windows chief out as Microsoft reorganizes its business

Yesterday, Microsoft announced a reorganization, taking the Windows and Devices group from its previous head Terry Myerson and splitting it in two. Rajesh Jha will oversee software in the Experiences and Devices division, while Surface, Xbox and HoloLens lead Panos Panay takes control of all hardware. 

Its author said ‘I didn’t agree with it when I wrote it.’

Leaked Facebook memo: 'Ugly truth' justified any growth tactics

Leaked Facebook memo: 'Ugly truth' justified any growth tactics

Buzzfeed published an internal Facebook memo entitled "The Ugly" from 2016, which shows just how much emphasis the social network places on growth above safety, privacy and everything else. Written by Facebook VP Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, one of Mark Zuckerberg's staunchest allies, the memo tries to defend the social network's "questionable contact-importing practices" and pretty much takes a very "ends justify the means" tone.

But wait, there's more...

1. US visa applications may soon require five years of social media info

2. Hands-on with Jaguar's all-electric I-Pace

3. The Genesis Essentia Concept is the automotive future we were promised

4. 'Not Tonight' makes you a bouncer in post-Brexit Britain

5. 'No Man's Sky' comes to Xbox this summer alongside huge update

6. Lindsay Lohan's 'Grand Theft Auto' suit is on the road to nowhere

7. GoPro's $199 Hero action camera is meant for newcomers

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Thursday 29 March 2018

Editor's Pick: Smart Homes: The Power, the Pleasure and the Pain, Part 2

Richard Adhikari
Mar 29, 2018 5:00 AM PT
Smart homes are here. Although not every home is tricked out with the latest technologies, they're no longer a rarity. For example, a hefty 41 percent of the respondents to an online survey conducted last year said they already owned smart home devices. Sales of smart refrigerators and washing machines more than doubled in 2017, and they will constitute more than half the global market by 2021. [More...]

More Picks:
FTC Signals Tougher Stance on Mobile Privacy Protection
Mobile device makers and telecom service providers need to make significant privacy protection improvements for their customers, says the FTC. Its recent report could become the basis for agency enforcement actions -- not only for smartphones, but also for other mobile devices. "The report is a clear signal to the industry to focus on this issue," said Gerard Stegmaier, a partner at Reed Smith. [More...]
New Firefox Extension Builds a Wall Around Facebook
Mozilla has announced Facebook Container, a Firefox browser extension that is designed to segregate users' activity on Facebook from their other Web activity, limiting Facebook's ability to track them and gather personal data. The extension is the culmination of more than two years of research into developing a more private browsing experience, Mozilla said. [More...]
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E-Commerce Minute

E-Commerce Minute: Thursday -- March 29, 2018

The E-Commerce Times -- E-Business Means Business
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
FTC Signals Tougher Stance on Mobile Privacy Protection
How to Safeguard Your Firm's Online Reputation
US Charges 9 Iranians in Massive Academic Research Theft
It's Getting Lonely at Quota Club
Women-Owned Firms More Active on Social Nets

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Today's Story Highlights

FTC Signals Tougher Stance on Mobile Privacy Protection
Mobile device makers and telecom service providers need to make
significant privacy protection improvements for their customers, says
the FTC. Its recent report could become the basis for agency enforcement
actions -- not only for smartphones, but also for other mobile devices.
"The report is a clear signal to the industry to focus on this issue,"
said Gerard Stegmaier, a partner at Reed Smith.

How to Safeguard Your Firm's Online Reputation
When it comes to business, you're only as good as your reputation.
Indeed, your reputation is your brand. It is the substance your logo
represents; it is the glue in customer brand loyalty. In a word,
reputation is everything. Yet it's not entirely under your control. That
doesn't mean you are helpless as a victim of false accusations, ratings,
or wrongful attacks on your company's character, however.

US Charges 9 Iranians in Massive Academic Research Theft
The DoJ has charged nine Iranian nationals for engaging in a massive
phishing campaign on behalf of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. The
allegations include the theft of $3.4 billion in research and
intellectual property from 320 colleges and universities in the U.S. and
abroad, as well as from 47 foreign and domestic companies, plus several
federal agencies, state governments, and the UN.

It's Getting Lonely at Quota Club
Sales people and their managers should be celebrating the economic gains
of the last few years but for many of them the gains may be illusory.
Sixty-three percent of sales reps made quota in 2012, but five years
later -- despite an improving economy -- that number dropped to 53
percent, according to CSO Insights' continuing research, which stretches
over more than two decades.

Women-Owned Firms More Active on Social Nets
Small businesses use social media extensively, suggest the results of a
recent Clutch survey of 351 U.S. firms with fewer than 500 employees.
Overall, 71 percent of the respondents used social media for business
purposes, and those affiliated with firms owned by women reported
heavier use. "By nature, women tend to be more social," observed Rob
Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group.

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