Thursday, 23 March 2017

The Morning After: Apple's cheaper iPad and tech chill

Engadget Email Newsletter


It's Thursday, March 23, 2017.

Hey, good morning! 

Welcome to your Thursday morning. Now relax: we tap technology for ways to relax and decompress, get excited by Netflix’s next big budget project, and learn how Google is trying to make location sharing happen. Again.

Because unplugging isn't always realistic.

Adult Week: Finding inner peace (with help from your smartphone)

Adult Week: Finding inner peace (with help from your smartphone)

Technology is draining. Social media networks are programmed to make you come back for more, always swiping to refresh, like and post. You are constantly on your PC, your smartphone, your TV. You fall asleep to Netflix or reading Twitter as it spits up funny gifs or more bad news. It can wear you down. So what did Mat Smith do? What should you do? Those are probably different answers. There's no shortage of introductory guides to meditation, relaxation podcasts and devices that promise to help or offer relief, but here are some things to start with.

The new iPad cuts corners, but it's hard to complain at that price.

Apple hopes cheap, not powerful, will turn around iPad sales

Apple hopes cheap, not powerful, will turn around iPad sales

Apple has been trying to reverse declining iPad sales for several years now, without much success. For the past year and a half, that strategy could be summed up in one word: more. More power, more screen real estate, more accessories. And more money. Its new iPad, however, is cheaper. It might be what the company needs to get the many people who bought iPads three or four years ago to upgrade.

Update ASAP.

Critical LastPass bugs identified that could leak passwords or worse

Using a password manager is a convenient way to not only keep track of logins but make sure they’re all unique. That’s key to keeping accounts safe in a world where billion-account databases are available on the dark web, but it does rely on the app remaining secure. Google Project Zero researcher Tavis Ormandy identified a few bugs in extensions for LastPass that could allow someone to steal a target’s passwords, or in some cases run code on their computer.

The company quickly responded to deal with the issues, so any users should make sure they’re patched up (and using two-factor authentication in addition to unique passwords, or perhaps another manager that works separately from the browser like KeePass.)

Master photography with Adobe's all-inclusive training bundle for just $59.
Sponsored Content by StackCommerce

Master photography with Adobe's all-inclusive training bundle for just $59.

Let your friends know exactly where you are when you're running late.

Google Maps' location-sharing feature is one you might actually use

Google Maps' location-sharing feature is one you might actually use

Google has been busy beefing up Maps recently. Beyond just using it for turn-by-turn directions, you can now use Maps to remember where you parked, find reviews for nearby restaurants and avoid heavily congested areas. This week, it added location-sharing. With just a few taps in the app, you can now share your real-time location with friends and family. It's a feature that can be handy for when you're running late to an appointment or if you simply want your buddies to keep tabs on your whereabouts.

You're paying a premium for the S Pen and an HDR display.

Review: The Galaxy Tab S3 is good, but not $600 good

Review: The Galaxy Tab S3 is good, but not $600 good

The Galaxy Tab S3 has a promising list of features, including its HDR-friendly screen, quad-speaker array, included S Pen and powerful processor. And they mostly work as touted. Its colorful and sharp display, coupled with loud audio, makes for satisfying multimedia consumption. It’s also a responsive machine and lasts more than 11 hours on a charge. But the Tab S3 and its companion keyboard, which costs an extra $130, aren’t good enough for intensive typing and multitasking.

It can fix your finicky left Joy-Con with a bit of conductive foam.

Nintendo cites 'manufacturing variation' for Joy-Con issues

Nintendo cites 'manufacturing variation' for Joy-Con issues

Since the Switch started to show up in gamer's homes, some have been complaining about issues with its wireless Joy-Cons. Problems with losing connection, particularly on the left one, have plagued some enough to attempt DIY fixes, but Nintendo says a “manufacturing variation” is to blame for the issue. The company added that it’s figured out a “simple fix” for anyone with affected Joy-Cons to improve patchy connectivity. It seems to involve a spot of conductive foam.


‘Super Mario Run’ for Android is here

‘Super Mario Run’ for Android is here

If you were expecting to see Nintendo’s new mobile game on Android today, then surprise -- it’s already out. No matter what platform you play on, Super Mario Run is updated to version 2.0 with new character choices and more. It’s free to try, so grab it on Google Play and find out why iOS players spent $53 million bucks on the game in January.


Google plans faster updates for all Android phones in 2017

Once again, Google says it’s prioritizing updates for Android devices. The platform has historically struggled with slow rollouts of updates to many devices, limiting features and current security patches to a small group. To turn that around, Google says it’s giving manufacturers more data on how each one is doing with rollouts and it’s reducing the size of patches. Already, it claims 78 percent of flagship devices were current with security updates at the end of 2016 -- hopefully, that trend continues to spread this year.

But wait, there's more...

1. Here's our first look at Netflix's big budget 'Death Note' remake

2. Apple has acquired Workflow, an app that runs multi-step, multi-app tasks from iOS devices

3. 'Castlevania' successor 'Bloodstained' is coming to the Switch (but not the Wii U)

4. Adult Week: I love my child too much to put her on the internet

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Wednesday, 22 March 2017

ECT News Network Weekly Newsletter

ECT News Network Weekly Newsletter: Wednesday -- March 22, 2017

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This Week's Top News Headlines From the E-Commerce Times

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Walmart Launches 'Store No. 8' E-Commerce Venture
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Dun & Bradstreet Marketing Database Exposed
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Verizon Wakes Up to Join Mobile TV Race
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US Charges 2 Russian Intel Agents, 2 Hackers in Yahoo Case
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This Week's Top News Headlines From TechNewsWorld

Apple Unveils Budget-Friendly iPad, Dresses iPhone in Red
(Posted 22-Mar-17)

Apple May Alter the AR Competition
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Why Tech Can't Help Donald Trump and Most CEOs
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Crafty Phishing Technique Can Trick Even Tech-Savvy Gmail Users
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Pro-Turkey Hackers Hit Prominent Twitter Accounts
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This Week's Top News Headlines From CRM Buyer

Outreach CEO Manny Medina: Selling Success
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ProsperWorks Adds In-App Comms to its Google CRM Solution
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McDonald's Puts Mobile Ordering to the Test
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This Week's Top News Headlines From LinuxInsider

Cracking the Shell
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IBM Launches Enterprise-Strength Blockchain as a Service
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Editor's Pick: Apple Unveils Budget-Friendly iPad, Dresses iPhone in Red

John P. Mello Jr.
Mar 22, 2017 10:44 AM PT
Apple has announced an iPad update, a red iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, and a new video-editing app for iOS. The iPad upgrade has a 9.7-inch, 2048 x 1536- pixel Retina display and Apple's A9 64-bit processor. The unit will come in silver, gold and space gray with a starting price of $329 for 32 gigabytes of storage and WiFi-only support. It will cost $459 for a 32- GB unit with WiFi and cellular support. [More...]

More Picks:
Walmart Launches 'Store No. 8' E-Commerce Venture
Marc Lore, CEO of Walmart eCommerce U.S., on Tuesday discussed the company's plans to launch a new venture, called "Store No. 8," which will operate as a Silicon Valley incubator for new online stores. The move reflects Walmart's ambition to catch up to Amazon in the e-commerce retail space. Lore unveiled the plans at the annual Shoptalk conference in Las Vegas. [More...]
Cracking the Shell
If you've begun to tinker with your desktop Linux terminal, you may be ready to take a deeper dive. You're no longer put off by references to "terminal," "command line" or "shell," and you have a grasp of how files are organized. You can distinguish between a command, an option and an argument. You've begun navigating your system. Now what? File manipulation lies at the heart of Linux. [More...]
Outreach CEO Manny Medina: Selling Success
Making sales account-based is "the ability to take an account and use a holistic approach when dealing with it," said Manny Medina, CEO of Outreach. "You use a combination of marketing and sales to get to that account. It's giving a name to something people already do, and it creates an alignment between sales and marketing. You [target] top companies that you know for a fact are open to you." [More...]
Apple May Alter the AR Competition
Apple is stockpiling resources to make a splash in the augmented reality market. The company reportedly is not only marshaling internal resources behind its AR efforts, but also hiring talented outsiders and acquiring companies with expertise in AR hardware, 3D gaming and virtual reality software. The new outsiders include engineers who worked VR headsets for Google and Microsoft. [More...]
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ECT News Network, Inc. 16133 Ventura Blvd., Suite 700, Encino, CA 91436

The Morning After: The life-changing magic of tidying up (your PC)

Engadget Email Newsletter


It's Wednesday, March 22, 2017.

Hey, good morning! You look fabulous.

How would you like a stealth delivery of Apple announcements? Well you’ve got them. While there’s nothing earth-shattering, there is a new tablet, a vivid new iPhone and a new video app. Also in today’s Adult Week series, we digitally clear out our PC and feel all the better for it.

Say goodbye to the Air.

Apple's new 9.7-inch iPad is its cheapest yet

Apple's new 9.7-inch iPad is its cheapest yet<br />   

Apple just simplified its tablet lineup in a big way. The company has introduced a new 9.7-inch iPad -- not the Air 3, just... iPad. You'll find a slightly older but still speedy A9 processor inside instead of the Air 2's aging A8X chip, and Apple has doubled the capacities to give you either 32GB or 128GB of storage. There are some drawbacks, however, that come with that cheaper price tag.

Beats two different shades of black.

Apple's iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus now come in red

Apple's iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus now come in red<br />   

Apple has also just snuck out a new special edition red iPhone 7, with barely any fanfare. Both new shades of the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus will be launching globally, adding some welcome color to the black and plainer metallic hues we've had until now. The pair of iPhones (with either 128GB or 256GB of storage) will launch in stores and online this Friday, March 24th, starting at $749.

The 16GB iPhone is dead.

Apple doubles the storage of the iPhone SE and iPad Mini 4

Apple doubles the storage of the iPhone SE and iPad Mini 4

Apple is also increasing the storage across all iPhone SE and iPad Mini 4 configurations. The lowest-capacity 4-inch iPhone SE is now 32GB, up from 16GB, and the 64GB model has been scrapped in favor of a 128GB version. Basically, Apple has doubled the storage and finally killed off the last 16GB iPhone, but good news: The prices haven't changed.

You can try it out today

Meet Android O

Meet Android O<br />   

Google has officially announced the next version of Android, and it’s O. There’s no dessert-themed nickname yet, but the next big update will have some tweaks aimed at extending battery life. They’ll work by managing how apps operate in the background, limiting services, location updates and broadcasts to help squeeze out more time between charges. Other new features include picture-in-picture on phones and tablets, and an autofill feature that should make it easier to use a password manager. If you want to get an early jump, there’s a developer preview available right now for several Nexus and Pixel devices.

It involves more than just emptying your Trash folder

Adult Week: The life-changing magic of tidying up (your computer)

Now that many of us have terabytes of storage at our fingertips (or in the cloud), there’s a temptation to keep everything, from apps to old bookmarks. Despite that, Dan Cooper tried applying strategies from Marie Kondo’s famous book to his digital life, hitting the delete button on things that don’t provide some form of joy.

Deal from the middle

The hidden depth of mobile puzzle game 'Where Cards Fall'

The hidden depth of mobile puzzle game 'Where Cards Fall'<br />   

This top-down 3D puzzler will have players follow a handful of teenagers over the course of ten years, building houses of cards to navigate them along the way. Coming from the developers of Alto’s Adventure, Where Cards Fall will arrive later this year on iOS, Apple TV and Steam with more complex mechanics and story than we’re used to seeing in a mobile game.

How did it not have this already?

iTunes movie rentals finally work across multiple devices

Nearly a decade after iTunes added movie rentals, Apple has finally made it work across devices. Previously, if you watched a rental on one phone, tablet or Apple TV, it would be stuck there until it expired. With the latest update, viewers can pause and resume on another iPhone or anywhere else they’re logged into the app. The only problem is that for now, the feature is limited to beta and developer builds, but it should be available widely soon enough.

But wait, there's more...

1. Manually mark your parking spot in Google Maps for extra precision

2. UK also bans devices from cabins on flights from Middle East

3. Adult Week: I don't know how to drive and I may never have to learn

4. Adidas 'Knit for You' pop-up shop uses robots to make your clothes on the spot

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